Bishop Marine Electric's extenstive catalog contains thousands of items.
We are able to ship any Northern Lights generator part, including parts for obsolete units. If you need help finding a part for you unit, do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

41-01035 - Hose 1/2"ID 28" Hg / 300 PSI -40 TO +302F 5" Bend Radius High Temp Instagrip Push-On (Bulk)

41-01050 - Hose 3/4"ID Wire Reinforced 7910 Parker "A" J1527 Type A2 USCG 1942F -20/+212F Bend Radius = 3"

41-01070 - Hose 1-1/4"ID Wire Reinforced 7910 Bellowsflex "A" J1527 Type A2 USCG 1942F -20/+212F Bend Radius = 3"

41-14801 - Hose 1-5/8"ID Wire Reinforced 7910 Bellowsflex "A" J1527 Type A2 USCG 1942F -20/+212F Bend Radius = 5"

44-70008 - Sound Foam 3/4" Polyether Laminate w/o Barrier (Sheet Size 54" X 75" = 28.125 SQ FT)