Bishop Marine Electric's extenstive catalog contains thousands of items.
We are able to ship any Northern Lights generator part, including parts for obsolete units. If you need help finding a part for you unit, do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

RE553366 - Primary Fuel Filter / Water Separator Assy with 10-Micron Element & Integral 12VDC Pump with Harness

RE553368 - Primary Fuel Filter / Water Separator Assy with 10-Micron Element & Integral 24VDC Pump with Harness

RE557890 - INTAKE VALVE SERVICE KIT,STD 1064 -1066 4V (See contents list in Application Comments)

RE557891 - EXHAUST VALVE SERVICE KIT,STD 1064 -1066 4V (See contents list in Application Comments)

RE557897 - INJECTION PUMP DE10 12/24 VOLT M1066A1 @ 1800RPM & M10664A @1500RPM & NL1066H1 & M1066T ALL (MARKED RE518165) (CORE CREDIT VALUE $200.00)